Postcode Sector

M2 4 - Booth Street,Manchester

Price per letterbox


Max letterboxes

Leaflet Distribution Population Targeting

Knowing the population of an area could facilitate the planning of leaflet distribution campaign. Types of businesses who may have a vested interest in population data could be fast food restaurants, short terms loan company and or marketing companies.

Your leaflet distribution plans would not be limited to these business sectors, it however highlights the flexibility of your direct marketing venture opening doors to the use of population data for leaflet distribution and or flyer distribution campaigns.

Total number of People 0
Aged 0 to 15
Aged 16 to 74
Age 75 and over
Marital status (all people aged 16 and over)
Single (never married)
In a registered same-sex civil partnership
Composition (all households)
One person households
Married couple households
Cohabiting couple households
Lone parent households: with dependent children
Lone parent households: with non-dependent children only
All other households

Leaflet Distribution Ethnicity and Religion Targeting

People in Booth Street,Manchester are mostly and of the faith. To help you further with your door to door distribution campaign, here are some additional facts to consider as part of your leaflet distribution delivery campaign.

Ethnicity - Largest ethnic group(s)

Depending on the leaflet distribution campaign; faith can be an important factor when deciding which postcode sector to target in Thistle Court,Aberdeen. Below is a breakdown of the faith diaspora in M2 4, Booth Street,Manchester.

Religion (all people)
Other religion
No religion
Religion not stated

Leaflet Distribution Health Targeting

Knowing your target audiences health situation could make a difference to your leaflet distribution campaign. This could be particularly useful to gyms or health clubs who wish to locate and offer incentives to increase the prospects of a leaflet distribution delivery.

All people
Day-to-day activities limited a lot
Day-to-day activities limited a little
Day-to-day activities not limited
Day-to-day activities limited a lot: Age 16 to 64
Day-to-day activities limited a little: Age 16 to 64
Day-to-day activities not limited: Age 16 to 64
Very good health
Good health
Fair health
Bad health
Very bad health
Provides no unpaid care
Provides 1 to 19 hours unpaid care a week
Provides 20 to 49 hours unpaid care a week
Provides 50 or more hours unpaid care a week

Leaflet Distribution Work Targeting

Knowing if the target audience in M2 4 Booth Street,Manchester are in work and can afford your product or service is key to any successful leaflet distribution and should be considered when conducting a leaflet distribution door drop campaign. Below are the statistics we hold on individuals within Booth Street,Manchester relating to employment and work.

Economically active
Employee: Part-time
Employee: Full-time
Self-employed with employees: Part-time
Self-employed with employees: Full-time
Self-employed without employees: Part-time
Self-employed without employees: Full-time
Full-time student

Leaflet Distribution Education Targeting

All Levels
Level 1 qualifications
Level 2 qualifications
Level 3 qualifications
Level 4 qualifications and above
No qualifications
Other qualifications

Within a 1 mile radius

M15 5



M15 6

Bonsall Street,Manchester


M15 4

St George's,Manchester


M12 6



M1 7



M1 5

Chepstow Street,Manchester


M3 4

Liverpool Road,Manchester


M1 3

Portland Street,Manchester


M2 3

Lower Moseley Street,Manchester


M1 2



M3 3

Bridge Street,Manchester


M2 4

Booth Street,Manchester


M2 6

Albert Square,Manchester


M2 1

Cross Street,Manchester


M1 1

Market Street,Manchester


M3 5

M C C Waterworks,Manchester


M4 7



M4 6

Great Ancoats Street, Manchester


M4 1

Edge Street,Manchester


M4 3

Arndale Centre, Manchester


M3 6

Lower Broughton,Manchester


M4 4



M3 7

Hutchinson Street,Manchester
